
The International Foundation for Y-PEER Development has received funding for other project in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission, the European Solidarity Corps program and the National Program for Youth of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Bulgaria: 

“Volunteering for Youth Empowerment” project (2019), supported by the European Solidarity Corps program with a budget of 26 622 EUR. It focused on the organization of peer education sessions, workshops and campaigns for young people in Bulgaria on topics related to human rights, gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights and involved 9 volunteers from 5 countries. 

“Youth for SDGs and SDGs for Youth” project (2019), funded in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission with a budget of 12 430 EUR, focused on bringing together 25 young people from 5 countries who were trained on the SDGs framework with a particular focus on the global goals related to education, health and equality. The methods used were non-formal education and peer education. 

“It’s All about Solidarity” Strategic Partnership Project (2019), funded in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission with a budget of 42 940 EUR. It focused on the integration of refugees and migrants, on giving visibility to positive stories of successful integration through storytelling methods, the organization of local activities 

“Living / Human Library”, and the use of audiovisual materials and social networks. The project also involved advocacy and public narrative tools that were used during an international training provided by the IFYD team for 25 youth activists from 5 countries. 

„Youth Leadership and Peer Education for the Prevention of Risky Behaviors“ project (2019), funded by the National Program for Youth of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Bulgaria. The total budget of the project was 24 648 BGN. In the frame of the project, 36 students aged 15-19, as well as 6 teachers from Bulgaria, were trained on topics related to the prevention of risky behaviors and the development of healthy lifestyle skills, leadership skills and skills for working with other young people through peer education approaches. 

 “MovEurope!” Strategic Partnership Project (2020), funded by the German National Agency in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission with a total budget of 204 708 EUR. It focuses on the integration of refugees and migrants and involves the development of a training toolkit for youth activists and youth workers based on non-formal and peer-to-peer education, as well as guidelines for young refugees and migrants on how they can benefit from different European and national mobility programs. The international training for youth activists from 8 countries based on the developed toolkit was postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic. 

“Short Stories – Big Changes” Strategic Partnership Project (2020), funded by the Swedish National Agency in the frame of the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission with a total budget of 59 937 EUR. It focuses on the integration of refugees and migrants through the development of a toolkit based on storytelling techniques, advocacy and public narrative tools and the implementation of an international training for youth activists from 4 countries (which was also postponed for 2021 due to the pandemic). 

“YOUth impACT through Volunteering” project (2021), funded by the European Solidarity Corps program with a budget of 27 990 EUR, involving 8 volunteers from 3 countries, who will be hosted by IFYD in Bulgaria and will organize local activities for young people, focusing on human rights and gender equality. 

“Youth Movement for Intercultural Dialogue” project, funded by the Erasmus+ program with a budget of 12 793 EUR consists in the implementation of an international youth exchange for 27 youth activists from 5 countries in June 2021. It focuses on the use of peer education approaches and non-formal educational methods for fostering intercultural dialogue, peace and democratic conflict resolution. 

“Dialogue through Interactive Theater for Equality” project funded by the Erasmus+ program with a budget of 16 680 EUR consists in the implementation of an international training for 26 youth activists from 12 countries in September 2021. It focuses on the use of interactive theater and theater-based techniques for promoting equality, social cohesion and integration of diverse groups, including vulnerable young people.

Annual Reports: (attached to this document for 2018 and 2019)